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To be considered a homeopathically prepared remedy, an "active" substance
must be significantly diluted with an inert substance such as alcohol or
lactose. Thus, most conventional and homeopathic physicians would agree it
is unlikely that homeopathic remedies taken at their recommended doses would
cause overt toxicity. Thus, the 1982 supplement to the eighth edition of
the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia states:
"Homeopathic drugs are safe, effective and compatible with all
types of medical, surgical psychological, physical and nutritional
What then are the dangers associated with Homeopathy? Critics, such as Steven
Barrett, M.D., would cite the following:
 | Delayed Treatment: Homeopathic preparations can be obtained
over-the-counter in the U.S. Patients may be misled into
self-medication when they actually have a serious illness that requires
conventional medical attention. This is particularly a problem since
these remedies are often named after the symptoms they are reputed to treat
(e.g., Bleeding, Exhaustion, Earache, Pain, Bedwetting, Skin Relief,
etc.). It is quite possible that someone with any of these
symptoms may be suffering from a condition that requires more than the
placebo response.
 | Wasted Resources: Homeopathic treatments can be
expensive. Since many practitioners regard them as placebos, their
cost and the cost of consulting a homeopathic physician could be considered
wasted money. However, one should remember that the placebo effect is
real, and the patient may consider the benefits worth the cost. This
may be particularly true for the patient suffering from psychosomatic
disorders, or conditions that are not easily treated by conventional
 | Nocebo effect: A logical dilemma is encountered in
Homeopathy. Proponents claim that specific diseases are treatable with
homeopathy and that they are not placebos. Thus, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
is filled with distinct remedies that are indicated for specific
conditions. However, when the issue of possible toxicity comes up,
proponents argue that these drugs are basically inert and do not negatively
affect bodily processes. Indeed, the Homeopathic Reference Manual (Natura-Bio)
states: |
"In homeopathy, there is no harm in taking the wrong medicine or too
much medicine."
Thus, toxicity of a homeopathic remedy would be similar to that of a
placebo. However, as any clinical drug investigator will tell you,
placebos not only produce apparent benefit (placebo
effect) but also produce apparent toxicity (nocebo
effect). Thus, all homeopathic remedies should be expected to
produce a range of side effects similar to those produced by placebos.
This issue is generally ignored by modern proponents and there has never been a
systematic study of the adverse reactions to homeopathic drugs.
Hahnemann, however, recognized this issue and stated:
"There is, however, almost no homoeopathic medicine, be it ever so
suitably chosen, that, especially if it should be given in an insufficiently
minute dose, will not produce, in very irritable and sensitive patients, at
least one trifling, unusual disturbance, some slight new symptom while its
action lasts." (Organon, 6th edition).
